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As a holistic Life Coach and Energy Healer, I work with people all over the world; from college students to entrepreneurs, leaders, healers, to mindful corporations on creating a downstream life by design. 
No matter if it is hacking self sabotage, insecurity, old negative patterns, anxiety, depression, grief, or transitions into the next levels of health/ career/ relationships/ or leadership, meditation practices are a non negotiable key stone habit for success. 

Meditation, especially combined with sound therapy is where neuroscience meets Ancient Wisdom Traditions.  It is one of the fastest, easiest, and effective tools we have available to fill up on “juice” needed to deal with the everyday experiences. With that juice, we can make empowered upgrades to our thinking, our communication, and our daily habits so we feel better.  

We become more mindful, more intentional, and live more on purpose, with purpose. 
We become more ourselves again, clear on our heart’s desires and focussed on solutions. 

The practice of mindful attention regulates our nervous system from wired to vibrant. And it is a game changer for productivity, health and happiness. And most of all, as our energy begins to soar, we affect everyone around us. 

I m on a passionate mission to inspire as many people as possible to meditate by creating a variety of accessible, effective and fun Meditations for everyday situations. 
Enjoy these meditations with headphones, and fit your daily practice in when it works best for you, as “nothing you want is upstream” (A.Hicks)

ELLI RICHTER -  Morning Rituals

For best results please listen with headphones
or in the center of speakers of high quality.

20 Days Sound Bath

20 day challenge of guided sound baths. Elli starts with some science as the basis and goes deeper into daily practices for a greater yourself.


ELLI RICHTER -  Deutsche Session


Deine Ideale Zukunft

Das Album "Deine Ideale Zukunft" besteht aus 6 auf sich aufbauenden Meditationen, die in der 7. miteinander kombiniert sind. Jede Meditation kann auch einzeln benutzt werden.

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